Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I learned how to buy playstation 4 games from the computer! It wouldn't let me directly pay through paypal, so I learned that I should add 50 + 10 + 10 to = 70 because GTA V was 70$. thank you

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Nuke TTT and possibly Deathrun Work

I currently have 4 servers, Bunnyhop, Deathrun, Trouble in Terrorist Town and Surf. The Deathrun and the TTT are full of bugs such as guns not making sounds on shooting, and Deathrun has many unwanted addons and unintentional lag. I'll be hopefully fixing and bugs on my servers in the month of November. I plan on completely starting from Scratch on TTT and building from the base gamemode.

Friday, October 31, 2014

J'ai complété toute ma projet.

So I finished it, The pictures have not changed from my last post, but the backend works and now saves the times to a new directory surf_jp_leaderboards/ in the data folder. The clientside menu displays the times that are saved when localplayer isn't wearing a jump pack, which was the intention of all of it.

There was too many functions I made and added, so I'll just provide a pastebin to the files I edited

sv_leaderboards : http://pastebin.com/Qu4D4D7U
cl_leaderboards : http://pastebin.com/kVqXRBFC
sv_ranking :  http://pastebin.com/2j01Kts4
cl_surf_hud : http://pastebin.com/f6NYgjRP
sv_timer : http://pastebin.com/Tn2e6KPq
sh_player_timer : http://pastebin.com/19nPkqY9

Yeah, I don't really know what to explain, the SV_leaderboards is the backend for leaderboard saving times etc, the cl_leaderboards is for clientside views, sv_ranking is for end map messages and XP setting, cl_surf_hud is the hud drawing for the rainbow and PB shown on the hud that I did, sv_timer is the mostest backend with new way of saving times was written, and lastly sh_player_timer was edited for PB function checking.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Backend started

Got a few functions out today

function JumpPackCheck(ply)
if SERVER then
return ply:GetInfoNum("surf_jump_pack", 1) == 1
elseif CLIENT then
return cvars.Number("surf_jump_pack") == 1

Checks if the player has the jump pack enabled.

function SURF:LetsDetectJP( x, y, text, desc, cvar, p )
local _w, _h = surface.GetTextSize(text)
local __w, __h = surface.GetTextSize(desc)
local c = SURF.MainColors
local w, h = __w > _w and __w+30 or _w+30, _h+__h+10
local butt = surfui.Button( SURF.MainUI, x, y, w, h, p, function( s, w, h )
s.state = GetConVarNumber(cvar)
draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, h/2-10, 20, 20, c.side )
draw.RoundedBox( 0, 2, h/2-8, 16, 16, c.main )
draw.RoundedBox( 0, 3, h/2-7, 14, 14, s.state == 1 and c.side or c.main )
draw.SimpleText( text, "SURF_MAIN_BUTTON_TITLE", 25, 5, Color( 0, 0, 0, 210 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM )
draw.SimpleText( desc, "SURF_MAIN_BUTTON_DESC", 25, 5+_h, Color( 0, 0, 0, 210 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM )
butt.DoClick = function(s)
if CurTime() > NextAllowedClick then
if GetConVarNumber("surf_jump_pack") == 1 then
RunConsoleCommand("surf_jump_pack", 0)
RunConsoleCommand("say", "/r")
RunConsoleCommand("surf_jump_pack", 1)
RunConsoleCommand("say", "/r")
NextAllowedClick = CurTime() + 1

Menu Check box. Resets player if it detects a change.

Basically sets the cvar surf_jump_pack to 0 or 1 
and puts a 1s delay between button clicks because Garrysmod has a ConVar Speed restriction, so spamming the button would allow you to set a value, without being a reset.

Lastly, little easter egg I made today

if (GetConVarNumber("surf_velocity_color_r") == 1 and GetConVarNumber("surf_velocity_color_g") == 33 and GetConVarNumber("surf_velocity_color_b") == 7) or GetConVarNumber("surf_mlg_hud") == 1 then
color = Color( 255*math.abs(math.sin(CurTime())), 255*math.abs(math.sin(CurTime()+1.8)),255*math.abs(math.sin(CurTime()+2.6)), 255)
color = Color( GetConVarNumber("surf_velocity_color_r"), GetConVarNumber("surf_velocity_color_g"), GetConVarNumber("surf_velocity_color_b") )

Basically a hud check to see if your colors are 1337 and if they are make them rainbow.

Color( 255*math.abs(math.sin(CurTime())), 255*math.abs(math.sin(CurTime()+1.8)),255*math.abs(math.sin(CurTime()+2.6)), 255)

This is similar to what you probably know as HSVToColor

Thursday, October 9, 2014

pretty much this

hook.Add("PlayerBindPress", "Surf.NoMovementInLB", function( ply, bind )

if SURF.LBOpen then
if SURF.JPLBOpen then
if SURF.JPLBOpen and SURF.LBOpen then

Fixed the bug from last day. yap

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Fixed up some errors in the last bug, current error is that if you open the panel with the bind, it opens, but closing it removes the leaderboard times, but not the actual panel.